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Administering your payroll can be time consuming and burdensome, diverting energy and resources from the core activities of your business. The task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties for non-compliance.

We have dedicated staff who can relieve you of this burden by providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:

  • Customised payslips
  • Administration of PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, etc
  • Completion of statutory forms, including year end returns, to issue to your employees and submit to HM Revenue & Customs Summaries and analyses of staff costs
  • Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses, and ex-gratia and termination payments
  • Administration of pension schemes

Even if you have only a few employees, you will make savings by permitting us to administer your payroll. Contact us today for more information

Registered to carry out work in England and Wales and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

Details about our audit registration can be viewed at for the UK under reference number C006856925

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Greenaway Chartered Accountants, 1 Bligh’s road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1DA

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